Over the years, I’ve gotten a lot of questions about my lifestyle.

I worked online for the better part of 8 years, downsized my stuff to 2 suitcases, and avoided $15,600 in rent by doing “vanlife” in my hatchback for a year. I’ve been blessed to visit 38 states and 29 countries. Here’s everything I’ve learned about the digital nomad lifestyle, in hopes it will help other travelers and the communities they visit.

  • A digital nomad is someone who works online and travels from place to place, including remote workers, vanlifers, and expats. They prioritize location independence over working from a brick-and-mortar office. They work from coffee shops, public libraries, and coworking spaces. Many nomads are minimalists who prefer experiences over things. Some live off savings while others move as they earn. Here's a quick guide.

Digital nomad tips